
2024/4/13 16:42:32

【0211】tcpdump抓包分析pg_hba.conf以password作为认证证方式下frontend与Backend之间身份验证过程(13 - 1)

文章目录 1. 回顾2. pg_hba.conf为password,frontend与Backend如何进行验证2.1 身份认证过程2.1.1 向 frontend 发起AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD请求2.1.1.1 对应tcpdump抓包图分组信息2.1.2 等待frontend发送密码响应报文2.1.2.1 密码长度限制2.1.3 从 pg_authid 获取role信息2.1.4 fr…

Considering process from Apple Pay further steps

If you’re looking to prioritize and integrate Apple Pay into your mobile app’s payment system, here are detailed steps to guide you through the process: 1. Prerequisites Apple Developer Account: Ensure you have a registered Apple Developer account to a…


文章目录 1. 回顾2. 处理来自Backend的AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD2.1 frontend从PGconn获取密码2.2 字符串密码缓冲区前填充 message type相关阅读: ★【0209】frontend如何接收来自Backend进程的认证请求报文(authentication request packet)(11) ★【0210】frontend接收到Backen…

【0208】Backend向客户端发送Client authentication的底层实现(10 - 3)

文章目录 1. 完整消息发送到客户端1.1 Backend并非直接调用send()发送消息1.2 拼接消息类型(msgtype)前缀1.2.1 从tcpdump抓包文件开始分析【0206】Backend 向客户端发送身份认证请求报文(Client authentication) (10 - 1) 【0207】Backend向客户端发送Client authentica…